Commitment to Community Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的工作人员致力于巴尔的摩东南部,并不断努力赢得他们作为社区不可或缺的一部分的地位. Among our offerings are public outreach programs, health seminars and screenings, many of which are free.

Blood Drives

In these uncertain times, 患者和医院依靠献血者的慷慨,确保为我们当中最脆弱的群体提供稳定的血液供应. 现在需要健康的人献血,以帮助那些依靠救命血液的推荐十大正规网赌平台.

Featured Community Initiatives

Additional Partnerships and Outreach Programs

  • Community Health Needs Initiatives

    为了延续医疗中心长期以来的社区服务和健康促进传统, 社区卫生需求评估为我们继续努力提供了进一步的方向和重点.

    CBR Cover
  • Community Relations


    Bayview Campus
