

Facing a serious disease or condition can create physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. Palliative medicine is compassionate care combined with evidence-based approaches that can improve your quality of life or that of your loved one.

Palliative care addresses physical symptoms of the disease itself, 治疗的副作用, 以及对未来的压力和不确定性. These interventions can allow you more freedom to do the things that are important to you and live with more comfort and peace of mind.

Engaging a palliative care team can give you access to expertise in nursing, 疼痛管理, 呼吸治疗, 牧师服务, 营养, 药理学, 社会工作和其他学科.

了解你的优先事项, 目标, culture and lifestyle helps palliative care providers incorporate what is important to you into your medical care.

Do I (or does my loved one) need palliative treatment?

Palliative care medicine can help those living with conditions such as, but not limited to:

  • 癌症
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD/emphysema)
  • Organ disease or failure (heart, kidneys, liver or immune system)
  • 神经系统疾病,如痴呆, 亨廷顿氏舞蹈症, 进行性多发性硬化, 帕金森病, 中风或震颤
  • 艾滋病毒/艾滋病


Palliative care medicine puts the patient at the center of each plan and recommendation. 考虑到这一点, palliative care experts start by learning about you, your diagnosis and how an illness and its treatment are affecting your well-being. 制定护理计划, palliative experts talk to you to gauge your concerns and 目标, and work with you on strategies for achieving them.

The palliative team may also collaborate with your other doctors for additional insight into the course of your illness and the impact of its symptoms and treatment.

What does it mean to be under the treatment of palliative care?

If you are under the treatment of palliative care, it means you have a specialized team that is helping you or your loved one with the following:

沟通与护理协调. When you or someone you care about is seriously ill, getting (and understanding) the information you need, scheduling appointments and being ready for what comes next can be overwhelming. The team helps you coordinate information flow between doctors, 护士, family members and others and access resources to keep track of appointments, 测试, 文书工作和处方.

疼痛控制. Pain is one of the most feared symptoms of any disease and, 这是可以理解的, a concern for many patients and their loved ones. The palliative team can customize a strategy for 缓解疼痛:

  • A palliative 缓解疼痛 program may start with medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen and add helper drugs (such as steroids or muscle relaxers) or stronger medications such as opiates.
  • Surgery may be a possibility if it can increase a person’s comfort or mobility.
  • Complementary therapies for 缓解疼痛 may also be suggested, 还可以包括按摩疗法, 放松的方法, 音乐疗法, 针灸和芳香疗法.

症状管理. Many chronic and progressive diseases cause distressing symptoms. Palliative care medicine can lessen the impact of many symptoms, including:

  • 减少移动
  • 乏力
  • 失眠
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • 呼吸困难
  • 焦虑和抑郁

营养. 营养ists and dietitians working in a palliative framework can assess your 营养 and offer counseling. They can help find options for sustaining nourishment that consider your dietary needs, 你的进食和消化能力, 以及你的个人和文化偏好.

情感和精神健康. 严重的疾病会引起恐惧, 愤怒, 混乱, grief and sadness that can add to physical suffering. Patients and their families may feel exhausted, anxious or alone. Navigating these difficult emotions is easier with support from palliative practitioners who can offer comfort, spiritual resources and safe spaces for the range of feelings associated with illness. 如果需要, they can assist in decision-making and planning associated with the end of life, 这样患者就可以确保他们的目标得以实现.


A common misconception about palliative care medicine is that it is solely for people at the end of life. 事实上, palliative care medicine can provide relief and comfort at any stage of serious illness — you don’t have to wait until the final stages of progressive or terminal disease. You can continue other medical treatment while receiving palliative care.


Palliative care medicine meets people wherever they are, including:

  • 在医院(加护病房), 外科和医疗单位, 儿童中心和急诊科)
  • Specialty treatment settings such as cancer care centers
  • 住宿式护理设施
  • At home — some palliative medicine programs offer visiting health care providers who can provide in-home treatment


The first step is to speak with the health care provider who is treating you and explain what is most important in order to improve your quality of life — this may be aggressive 疼痛管理, 在家接受治疗的能力, 或者是完全不同的东西. Your health care provider can refer you to a palliative care service program.


在约翰霍普金斯大学, our multidisciplinary team of palliative care specialists is comprised of physicians, 高级实践提供者, 护士, 药剂师, 牧师, 儿童生活专家和社会工作者. Together the team provides compassionate specialized medical care to improve quality of life for patients and their families as they cope with illness.