Melissa Suzanne Camp, M.D., M.P.H.

Headshot of Melissa Suzanne Camp
  • 霍尔斯特德普通外科住院医师项目主任
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery


乳腺活检,乳腺癌,乳房保护 Surgery, Breast Disease, Breast Surgery, Gender Affirming Care, General Surgery, Hereditary Breast Cancer, Locally Advanced Breast Cancer, Lumpectomy, Male Breast Cancer, Mastectomy, Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy more

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Appointment Phone: 443-997-1513
201 N. Broadway
Breast Health Services
Baltimore, MD 21287 map
Phone: 410-955-8964


Appointment Phone: 443-997-1513
10803 Falls Road
Pavilion III, Suite 1500
Lutherville, MD 21093 map


Dr. 梅利莎·坎普是绿泉站约翰霍普金斯金梅尔癌症中心乳房项目的首席乳房外科医生. As the lead breast surgeon, Dr. 坎普与医学肿瘤学专家密切合作, radiation oncology, 在方便的社区环境中为患者提供影像学和病理学的综合多学科乳腺癌护理.

Dr. 坎普专注于提供富有同情心的乳腺癌治疗, 包括保留乳头乳房切除术和保乳手术, 并帮助新诊断的患者在决策过程中导航. 她在约翰·霍普金斯医院和约翰·霍普金斯医疗中心为推荐十大正规网赌平台看病 & Surgery Center - Green Spring Station. 

Dr. 坎普以优异成绩获得达特茅斯学院生物化学/分子生物学学士学位. 她毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学医学院,继续完成普通外科和预防医学的住院医师培训,并在约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院获得公共卫生硕士学位. 

作为美国乳房外科医生协会和外科肿瘤协会的成员. 坎普发表了几篇同行评议的期刊文章,并在国内和国际医学会议上介绍了她的工作. more


  • 霍尔斯特德普通外科住院医师项目主任
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery
  • Assistant Professor of Oncology

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • MD; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2004)


  • Preventive Medicine; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2009)
  • Surgery; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2011)


  • Surgery; Massachusetts General Hospital (2012)

Board Certifications

  • 美国外科委员会(普通外科)(2011)

Additional Training


Research & Publications

Selected Publications

Petrovic MA, Aboumatar H, Scholl AT, Gill RS, Krenzischek DA, Camp MS, Senger CM, Deng Y, Chang TY, XIe Y, Jurdi ZR, Martinez EA.  围手术期交接协议:评估对成人围麻醉护理单位交接缺陷和提供者满意度的影响.  J Clin Anesthesia. 2015 Mar; 27(2): 111-119.

Camp MS, Coopey SB, Tang R, Colwell A, Specht M, Greenup RA, Gadd MA, Brachtel E, Austen WG, Smith BL.  保留乳头乳房切除术中乳晕下/乳头导管边缘阳性的处理.  The Breast Journal.  2014 Jul-Aug; 20(4): 402-407.

Juo YY, Hyder O, Haider AH, Camp MS, Lidor A, Ahuja A.  微创结肠切除术是否优于传统方法?  首次采用倾向分数匹配的全国综合考试.  JAMA Surgery.  2014 Feb; 149 (2): 177-184.

Camp MS, Valero MG, Opara N, Benabou K, Cutone L, Caragacianu D, Dominici L, Golshan M.  术中数字乳腺标本摄影:显著提高手术效率.  American Journal of Surgery.  2013 Oct; 206(4) 526-529.

Garonzik-Wang JM, Brat G, Salazar JH, Dhanosopon A, Lin A, Akinkuotu A, O’Daly A, Elder B, Olino K, Burns W, Camp M, Lipsett PA, Freischlag JA, Haut ER.  术前缺少同意书:对问题范围及其下游影响的单中心评估.  JAMA Surgery.  2013 Sept; 148 (9): 886-889.

Camp MS, Greenup RA, Taghian A, Coopey SB, Specht M, Gadd M, Hughes K, Smith BL.  应用ACOSOG Z0011标准可降低围手术期费用.  Annals of Surgical Oncology.  2013 Mar; 20(3):836-841.

Greenup RA, Camp MS, Taghian AG, Buckley JM, Coopey SB, Gadd MA, Hughes K, Specht MC, Smith BL.  乳房肿瘤切除术后放疗方案的成本比较. Annals of Surgical Oncology.  2012 Oct; 19(10):3275-81.

Petrovic MA, Aboumatar H, Baumgartner WA, Ulatowski JA, Moyer J, Chang TY, Camp MS, Kowalski J, Senger CM, Martinez EA.  试点实施围手术期协议,指导手术室到重症监护病房的推荐十大正规网赌平台交接.  心胸血管麻醉杂志.  2012 Feb; 26(1): 11-6.

张勇,Ortega G, Camp M, Osen H, Chang DC, Abdullah F.  需要手术的坏死性小肠结肠炎:4371例婴儿肠道疾病位置的结果.  Journal of Pediatric Surgery.  2011 Aug; 46(8):1475-81.

Choo S, Papandria D, Zhang Y, Camp M, Salazar JH, Scholz S, Rhee D, Chang D, Abdullah F.  经皮腹腔引流加剖腹探查治疗坏死性小肠结肠炎4例疗效分析,657 infants.  Pediatric Surgery International.  2011 July; 27(7): 747-753.

Activities & Honors


  • Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society
  • Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society


  • American College of Surgeons
  • Society of Surgical Oncology
  • American Society of Breast Surgeons

Videos & Media

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Lectures and Presentations

  • 乳腺癌腋窝手术治疗的进展
    Clemenceau Medical Center
  • 从外科医生的角度使用乳房核磁共振成像
    Clemenceau Medical Center
  • 综合方法:外科肿瘤学家的角色
    邀请讲座,乳房再造意识日,巴尔的摩,MD (10/20/2014)
    Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • 乳腺癌腋窝手术治疗的进展
    Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD (09/25/2014)
    Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • 保留乳头乳房切除术中乳晕下边缘阳性的处理
    Conference, Dallas, TX (04/13/2012)
    American Society of Breast Diseases

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